HOW TO DEAL WITH A CHEATING SPOUSE! So I got added to this group of just females which is meant to be an empowerment group. People are free to post whatever is bothering them. We have some people post about their marriage affairs, cheating spouses etc. They ask for advices and people give all sorts of advice. Sometimes I read and laugh, praying whoever did write the post doesn't take heed to their advice. For me, this is my own two cents about dealing with a cheating spouse. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO FORGIVE IMMEDIATELY. Hey, no one knows your spouse as much as you do, no one knows where you tied your matter together. So don't feel like people will think you are letting him/her too easy bf forgiving immediately. It's your own spouse not the world's spouse. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO RUN MENTAL. That being said, you can go nuts for a short period of time. Just the day or the next after you find out, you can scream or shout the house down (so far the kids are not home)....