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This is a guest writer's post. 

We have lost a lot of people recently. Just a few weeks ago, my colleague asked for permission to leave work and by the end of the day, he was dead, 2 weeks ago, a young man died coming from a wedding, a friend lost her husband this week. This made me very aware of my mortality (not like I wasn't aware of it before) but it makes it very real. It also got me thinking ..... is it all worth it?

 What is life really all about? Is it all about the needs? The hate or the constant pressure to be liked and accepted in this life? Or is it about the need to be validated or seen as the baddest that liveth?

When do we start focusing on ourselves, focusing on making a difference, touching lives and making people remember us for our good deeds no matter how small. 
We really don't we know how much time we have left... we are all on borrowed time ... 

Let's mend all the fences, life is too short to sweat the small stuff, all of it would not matter in a couple of years ... I feel like a hypocrite typing this , because I have lost my last quota of conscience and care i possess ... I am harbouring a lot of "hate", not hate, maybe disdain and un-forgiveness in my heart. I realised that today and I am begging God for the ability to forgive .... 

But pls, don't be like me .... let it all go Love life, live life, give life!!!


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