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Dear men, Yeah!! You!! Especially the African men. Most especially the Nigerian men, the Lagos boys!! Yes. I'm talking about you!! Stop 🛑!!! 

I look around and see our parents and I wonder where it all went wrong. We see our mothers living solely for their kids and God. No plans with their husbands. I see a lot of older women who can't for the life of them be bothered with their spouses. You hear " eh he has gone out again, I'm going out. There is food in the house" or the painful ones " he wasted his youth on those strays and expects me to sit with him now in his old age that he is sick. Never!!" We have our mothers who haven't been to Nigeria in years. They have relocated to "the abroad" or wherever their kids are. They haven't seen their spouses in years and grumble whenever he visits them. They have built a life that doesn't involve him. They are married but separated from the husband. 

This unfortunately is a trend I see coming up with the next generation, that is us. The ones who make it past 2 years (yeah half of the marriages don't last 5 years anymore). 

You see this pretty young thing (or not, the main thing is you sha saw her) and decide you want to marry her. She leaves everything, her father's house, name, friends and moves in with you and  becomes one with you. Carries the burden with you, adulting is very hard o. 

Then you decide that it's boring being faithful. The sex is the same. Things are monotonous. You start stepping out. Hook up master. Bad guy of the office. King of twitter and the snap. You slide into the DM of anyone that catches your fancy. You hang out after work, to avoid Lagos traffic, to chill with the boys. But in truth, you are hooking up with one broad with the wife at home sorting the kids and the home front. 

She finds out, throws a tantrum. You realised guys have mastered the act of making women look crazy, you act up. Blame her for getting fat, for not being fun enough, for not being acrobatic in bed. She blames herself. Tries to lose the baby weight, tries to becomes more social. Things are cool again. 

Then gbam, one day in going through your things while sorting laundry, she sees traces of you stepping! It hits her! We are repeating things again! this time the excuse is she is too in your face, she is choking you, you need space. 
Because she stays, you feel like the boss. You don't care anymore, she will always stay. Won't she? She loves the kids and I plenty. It becomes a cycle. 

Some wives become FBI tracing your every movement and account, some face church, some the gym. Others take the bull by the horn and pack up and leave, while some find solace in the arms of another man. Yepp. Eventually something's got to give.

You were raised with the idea that an African man isn't naturally monogamous. Lol. Sorry to say Total BS! When your African brothers are finding greener pastures, and the palli, overfaithful worries them. When old age has knocked on your door, you remember your vows but brother it's too late. 

Let me tell you, no woman wants to enter marriage with the thought that things will end soon. No woman wishes on her enemy the shame and betrayal of being cheated on. She will forgive you once maybe twice. But after that, she is just there physically, she begins the process of checking out emotionally then she is done. She will feed you, attend to your physical needs and all but she is gone from the marriage. She may be there because of the kids or for society or religion. She may or may not wake up one day and walk out on you. 

Quick test guys, to know if you still have a chance with your wife. Watch her for a day without her knowing it. 
Does she call you only to ask for things or about the home/kids? Does she give you the evil eye unknowingly? Without you even doing anything? Does she roll her eyes at the sound of your voice? Does she flinch when you hug her unexpectedly? Does she make plans without you? Does she still wait up for you? Does she still fight you? If you answered yes to all of the questions except the last two, then oga sir, ti e ba e (e don be for you).

It's all fun and games till you realize you destroyed your marriage. You say hey, I can get married again. But it's the same thing that will happen. You will end with 3 women and 11 kids. The painful is these girls have nothing to offer. They are willing to break your home. They see a man who has a wife at home who is making him who he is. Supports him, chooses his outfit. Then they "snatch" him and realize that he isn't much of a "cream guy" anymore. She becomes irritated with you, this isn't the guy she wanted. What happened to that guy. But by that time, she is now the Mrs and is stuck. So you are both in a loveless marriage. The former Mrs is living her life somewhere, somehow. Then the cycle repeats itself. See where the 3 wives and 11 children come into play?? 

So dear men, bad guys of Lagos. Don't be like them old men you see in ikoyi club, country club who resume there at 8 and stay till 11 because they have squandered their youth with the spares. Man up!! Marriage isn't just to breed and produce offsprings. It's a contract. Keep your own end of the deal and stop destroying your home because of distractions. 


  1. Me thinks it's the men that make the decision to break their homes when they decide to go out and meet the strays and not vice versa...

  2. VisionOfTheBlind25 January 2017 at 09:16

    Hello Dr.

    Your little finger on the right foot can not possibly think that cheating in marriage, as a pseudo-topic; should be directed solely at the men; Nigerian men or Lagos Boys at that!

    It is unfair to deliberately turn away your left eye from that gender that is particularly & quite evidently; always affected by a sudden surge in the economy. The gender that soughts for security over love but makes it as though it is the other way around. Nigerian women have a reputation worldwide and it is of a conciousness for prosperity & an affinity for the mundane rather than being genuine participants of a relationship like they make it out to be.

    Something has sunk deep into our tradition & culture so much that even our prayers have hopes for poverty eradication written all over them. Every idiom, every proverb addresses poverty & women have embroidered that into their sub- & conciousness. Does that play any significant role?

    The generalisation here begs to question if you're genuinely interested in a solution, change or creation of apt awareness as opposed the bias of finding faults. You have pointed your left finger Fiki, & concluded in your unfair discuss!

    Explore, the next guy you see. He is 'also' aware that:

    There's a married woman at work that constantly brings food for a single guy in his office...

    Another known one, whispers her phone digits to guys like a rapper at hangouts: "081 bla, bla, bla 9, 3.... Call me!"

    One is a member of a Live Band. She outrightly requested for a relationship with a finger banded man.

    All married!

    We are arguably about 170 million Nigerians; & almost equally divided by gender. The list faults is endless and it is all around us but is not particular to one gender.

    Both genders are guilty of your captioned subject.

    Use your brilliance for the creation of awareness for the need to change. The Female vs Male war is razz(sic) & mediocre.

    Love you!

    1. Funny thing is my next post is about women. I have one for the married ones also the single ones. It would be very unwise to accuse men without accusing women too. And doing all of that in one post will be rather very long. So I broke it into 3 posts.
      And trust me, the one for the women is way longer because I'm one and I know what we are capabale of!!!

  3. Nice one Fikky. Rightly said, both genders have to strive to return the loftiness of the union called marriage.. Most times, we go into marriage for all the wrong reasons.. boredom, seeking security, procreation alone... We forget marriage is a spiritual bond and not a childhood play thing.. apart from the heartbreak and other physical consequences of general bad behavior, we fail to consider the spiritual consequences of all the trifling. May we all be granted the strength to return marriage to the solemn bond it is.


  4. Nice one Fikky. Rightly said, both genders have to strive to return the loftiness of the union called marriage.. Most times, we go into marriage for all the wrong reasons.. boredom, seeking security, procreation alone... We forget marriage is a spiritual bond and not a childhood play thing.. apart from the heartbreak and other physical consequences of general bad behavior, we fail to consider the spiritual consequences of all the trifling. May we all be granted the strength to return marriage to the solemn bond it is.


  5. Nice one dear friend! Spot on! I know that you would be wiser than to point fingers at only one gender. We wait patiently for the remaining posts.

  6. @Visionoftheblind; you just spoke my heart lol, but good thing you have the female and single side of it. Then again we also have the society & religious side of it which people fail to recognize.

    I am yet to see a bible verse that says a man or a woman would not achieve God's purpose on earth, succeed or make heaven! If you don't get married. The principles of religion and the society has put a leash on us, we need to break out of that ideology. If you don't find that guy then don't go ahead and marry just because, also when you find that guy don't go changing the goals and dreams you both nurtured initially the moment you have a new born.

    With due respect to the ladies, I honestly think we need to get it right and I really don't get it when you think adulthood is when you only have to be home in front of a TV screen or family moments. How many ladies go on to ask their former bf's now hubby; "Sup hun, how was your day and I heard this happened in your industry today I hope that's would affect your work or are you making plans of starting up something on the side?! Let me know if I could be of help".

    The nation and society as I say plays it's own role, no one is happy seeing or wishing he's not got 24hours electricity et'al. I would love for you weigh the relationships of your friends who live abroad, who work a 9 - 5pm to see if their male counterparts are not supportive or if they are not there to plan with? That's what the society has helped build cause you live your home at 7am and you know you are back at 6pm or half 6 at the most you work as a team.

    Who says "African Men" can't be monogamous! When you take the juice out of the marriage all in the name of maturity and adulthood then where's the flavour?! Yes we grow up and somethings should change does not mean to stop the things we loved doing together, cause of the kids or cause our job has gotten us promoted. Na men! It don't work like that.

    The earlier you realize that men also need some succor (here meaning; someone to talk to and connect with to let off the stress) then you realize you need to get out of that I am your wife position. Behind that macho man is a young guy who has also left his pursuits, freedom, space and all to be committed to you, but he would look out for some listening ear if he's not getting one at home. Both male and female make sacrifices in getting married it's not left to one gender.

    I haven't even touched on domestic issues rising from cleanliness and tidiness of your home, pls Dr. F you have so many things to address. It's not a time to point fingers, but to educate both parties cause women are better cheaters than men in this day and social media age, no need for examples.

    It's not my blog but the topic marriage is very technical and both parties have their excesses.

    1. It's like you have read my post before hand. When I say marriage isn't a do or die affair, people say it's because you are lucky in marriage. The truth is our society makes you feel like a failure if your marriage doesn't work or you don't even get married. Girls go to all sort of lengths to marry. I'll point fingers tomorrow.
      For the excesses, women are more devious than men. Most men are gullible and would rather die than believe that their wives cheat. And women from my hometown have been termed the most promiscuous of all. Read my post. I'll post it tomorrow

    2. Where is your hometown?

    3. I have posted on married one. A good woman never shames her state 😂


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